# wxml/no-wx-if-string

# Backgroud


<view wx:if="{{user}}"> {{user.name}}</view>

If you use wx:if/wx:elif as control flow, make sure wx:if/wx:elif's value is a boolean, not a string (or dynamic string), otherwise the value will always be true, your code logic will be broken.

wx:if="{{show}} "  => wx:if="true " => true
wx:if="{{show}} "  => wx:if="false " => true
wx:if="{{show}}-s"  => wx:if="true-s" => true
wx:if="{{show}}-s"  => wx:if="false-s" => true

# Motivation

Force developer using valid boolean interpolation as wx:if/wx:elif's value, to avoid unexpected bug.

<!-- ✓ GOOD --> <view wx:if="{{user}}"> {{user.name}}</view> <view wx:elif="{{show}}">show this view</view> <!-- ✗ BAD --> <!-- {{}} with whitespace equals true --> <view wx:if="{{showList}} "> I will be always show on the page </view> <view wx:if="string"> I will be always show on the page </view> <view wx:if="{{showSwitch}}-string"> I will be always show on the page </view> <!-- wx:elif same with wx:if --> <view wx:elif="string"> I will be always show on the page </view>
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💡 tips

You can edit code via online editor, it's online REPL, try to fix eslint problem !

# Config

No special options, normal config is ok

{ "wxml/no-wx-if-string": "error" }

# Version

This rule was introduced in eslint-plugin-wxml v0.4.1

# Implementation

Last Updated: 12/13/2022, 12:24:46 PM